Are your Offers Supporting your Goals?

Let me guess… you started your business because you’re really good at something or saw a specific need in the market so you started providing that product or service to people in your network, and you’re doing ok. Referrals and word-of-mouth customers are keeping you decently busy, so you don’t really have time to create any new products or services anyway.

Here’s the thing though, you’re trading your time for money, 1-to-1. If you don’t show up, you don’t get paid. Sure, you have customers and you’re paying the bills, but there are A LOT of bills, and you don’t have the financial or time freedom that you thought you would have as a successful entrepreneur.

You know that saying “What got you here won’t take you there” from Marshall Goldsmith? (If you didn’t know it, you’re welcome. It’s a game changer.) You got this far – huge accomplishment by the way, not dismissing that at all – but this is as far as your business will get unless you make some changes.

It’s time to sit down and have an in-depth review of your offers. 

Calculate your ROI. ROI = return on investment. To calculate your ROI, you need to know how much time and money you spend on each product or service, and then subtract that from how much your charging for it.

Understand your customers. Your customers are going to come to you with their “wants” and it may be easy to provide that. But you will go from good to great when you figure out what your customers actually need.

Tie your offers to your goals. Set quarterly and annual goals and then look at how your offers are going to support those goals. Whether it’s more time, more money, and/or getting publicity, how can you change your offers to be geared toward helping you achieve your goals?

As I always say, get crystal clear on where you’re at and where you want to go. Your offers should be a reflection of that journey. Don’t be afraid to get creative with your offers, go outside your comfort zone to create new offers, or raise your prices.


How to Calculate ROI


How to be Financially Prepared to Grow Your Small Business